Soviet Dacha in
Советская Дача в Улан-Удэ
Tired of boring excursions?
Come to Soviet Dacha and explore life in Soviet union as it was 50 years ago!

"Dacha" means a country house in Russian.

In USSR every family including mine had a Dacha. All the summer, autumn and spring we had to work to have veggies, fruit and berries before the winter comes..

Book your visit +7 951629 3540 (Whatsapp) or /

Советская Дача - интерактивная экскурсия в Улан-Удэ.

На даче можно
посмотреть диафильмы,
попить чай из самовара с баранками или газ воду из сифона,
сделать селфи в советской форме,
поиграть в электронику ("Ну, погоди"),
побывать в 80-ых.
What can you do at Dacha?
Explore USSR in 80-s
Watch a strip-film
Try Samovar's tea
Learn how to cook Borscht
Learn true stories about the Soviet Union from locals
3 500 rubles per 1-2 visitors:
  • or 4 500 per 3-4 persons
    including transport, lunch, entrance fee.
    Not included: Soviet goods you can purchase from us
  • Duration - 2-3 hour
Для групп 4-8 человек ≈350 рублей/ человека:
  • Длительность 40-60 минут
  • Включен чай из самовара с баранками и вареньем
  • Осмотр Дачи, диафильм, экскурсия
  • Не включено: мастер-класс по изготовлению борща
Explore Russia with us!
About us
Hello travellers of the world!
I'm Lilia, born in Ulan-Ude, Siberia, close to lake Baikal.

I travelled around the world for 3.5 years, visited 40 countries.
I know what a traveller needs - impression, true life and adventure!
You will have great time
Memories for all life
Meet true Russians
Тry and ask anything at Dacha
Book your Dacha trip
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People about us
Lena-Marie Euba5 stars
We drove to the Ivolginsky Datsan, drank refreshing cold water from clean healing springs and climbed the Shaman Mountain. During the trip we learned a lot of interesting things about buddhism in Buryatia and Buryatian culture. It was a fun trip and it didn't feel like a typical tourist tour at all - more like a road trip with friends! I had a lot of fun and would do it again anytime, thank you! :)
A co-founder, Soviet Dacha
Phone: +7 951 629 3540 (Whatsapp)
Facebook/Instagram: @lilia.vitina
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